Hello Space

We are a member of the LoRa-Alliance, which is responsible for the development of the LoRaWAN network, a global standard for low-power, long-range, very wide-area IoT networks. Consistent, reliable, global coverage in IoT data service offers a wide range of solutions in maritime, agriculture, logistics, energy and manufacturing industries, with the cutting edge technology.

Pocketqube satellites are the world’s renowned smallest satellite standard, in 5cm x 5cm x 5cm size, providing worldwide coverage from space through narrowband data communication.

‘Istanbul,’ Hello Space’s first test pocketqube satellite, is getting ready to take its place in space with SpaceX’s Falcon9 rocket in May 2023. Hello Space will then set out a pocketqube constellation in space. Contact us to learn more..

Hello Space is now an Adopter-Member of LoRaAlliance , one of the largest and fastest growing NGO in technology. The LoRa Alliance® is an open, non-profit association of members that are actively developing and deploying IoT solutions.

With the support of LoRa Alliance, we aim to adopt LoRaWAN® standard and take #IoT technologies to new heights.



Monitor your global footprint through Hello Space grand station in space!


Increase the productivity of your land, crops and livestock, with reliable and consistent data!


Monitor wide and complex range of infrastructure without actually stepping foot in remote fields


Track patterns of earth to prevent natural disasters  


Accelerate digitalization in the supply chain and get a better sense of your business overview 


Manage heavy machinery lifecycle and production efficiency remotely


Cost Effective

Increase the efficiency

Securely Manage And Monitor

Data Services

Always Stay Connected

Access Data Anywhere​