Milestone Achieved: Successful Deployment of Satellites via Falcon 9

Hello Space Triumphs at Gitex Global in Dubai

Partnering with ODTÜ METU MIS in NASA Space App Challenge

Hello Space Soars at 74th IAC 2023 in Baku

Hello Space Takes Amsterdam by Storm

Hello Space Shines at CorpStarter2023 Event in Kennedy Space Center

Unleashing the Potential of Miniaturized Space Hardware

In recent years, the space industry has witnessed a remarkable trend towards miniaturization, giving rise to pocket satellites.

Mobile Satellites: Expanding Connectivity Beyond Boundaries

Mobile satellites are revolutionizing connectivity by providing internet access in remote and underserved areas.

Space Technology Spinoffs: Innovations Impacting Our Daily Lives

Space exploration has led to incredible technological advancements that have found their way into our everyday lives.

"Istanbul" Test Satellite Successfully Launched

"Hello Space successfully launched the "Istanbul" test satellite into space



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